Dynamic QR Codes

The image of a QR Code is a direct graphical representation of the information it contains.

That means if you change the information, you change the QR Code. So when you create a standard QR Code linking to a webpage, it forever links to that one destination. If you ever want to change that destination, that means generating a fresh QR Code to replace the one you're using.

The concept of QR Kick is simple, you can change your QR Codes destination at any time and still use the same QR Code image.

This means if you've used that QR Code in print, or widely distributed it in some other fashion that there's no need to retire or recall that image, you can just log into QR Kick and edit where you want the code to link to.

There is no advert. No 'bridging page'. Users scan the code, and we 'kick' them on to your defined location.

That's not the only perk though. QR Kick also provides statistical data on how many times your QR Code has been used, allowing you to track just how popular your QR Code is. We give you control to group your QR Codes into neat collections to better analyse your campaigns, and as well as the bulk creation tools we provide we also have an accessible API meaning you can integrate dynamic QR Code creation and management into your own systems.

Check out some of our case studies below to see how QR Kick has worked in the real world, or see our pricing details here - you could be using a dynamic QR Code right now from as little as 99p!